About Us

Orlay Alonso

Executive Director


Board Members

Sandra Grosko

Pat Smith

Tom Hager

Isabelle Billet

Roger Minner

Support Staff

Bailey Clutter, Marketing and PR

Mike O’Horo, Director of Facilities

Volunteer Committee

Emily & Chris Phelps

About Orlay Alonso

As the Executive Director of Music at St. Mary, Orlay Alonso brings his exceptional talent and leadership skills to the forefront. His passion for music, education, and his commitment to fostering a vibrant musical community have been instrumental in shaping the institution's vision. His unwavering commitment to artistic excellence, combined with his ability to inspire and motivate others, continues to foster a sense of unity and purpose within the Music at St. Mary community. His collaborative spirit encourages a culture of creativity and experimentation, empowering musicians to explore their potential and bring their unique voices to the stage.

Founder, Mark Voris

Mark Voris is the founder of Music at St. Mary. The concert series has brought joy and inspiration to countless individuals through the power of music. Mark's passion for music and commitment to sharing its beauty with others has made him an invaluable member of the music community. He continues to inspire and uplift audiences through his innovative music initiatives, and his legacy will undoubtedly endure for generations to come.

“Thanks to Mark Voris’ tenacity, Music at St. Mary has become a hub for artistic innovation and excellence, attracting renowned musicians and providing a nurturing environment for emerging talent.”